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Inspector, developed by Bloc Digital's Product team, is a visual inspection system... 
designed to capture, track, and manage information via images, video or voice notes based on the current state of an object. Over time Inspector builds a full picture of the degradation of individual objects, using data-driven decisions for maintenance, repair, and overhaul needs. The central database and configurable reporting enable reports of common faults across multiple objects and timelines.

The solution can be hosted on-premises or on the cloud with remotely captured information in a configured report which is accessible on mobile, tablet or PC via the app. This solution offers a greater understanding of the degradation of Pareto, meaning 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. Inspector gives you a greater conversion of gathered part performance data for long-term efficiency.

Inspector is part of our suite of products, developed by Bloc Products with over 20 years of working with clients to maximise the benefits of technology and data

Why use Inspector by Bloc Products?

Transforming visual inspections into intelligent data, visual inspections are an integral part of physical asset management for any product in service. Regular inspections help maintenance teams spot signs of wear and tear that can lead to equipment failure. Issues are corrected on the spot if the technician has access to the right tools, resulting in consistent streamlined operations. Otherwise, technicians often rely on paper notes or word of mouth to detect issues, which is where the current paper-based systems are limited and continue to fail across the industry, resulting in easily avoidable and expensive repairs or replacements.

Inspector offers the complete picture of not only the individual component regardless of location but more importantly, the understanding of an entire fleet of vehicles and their performances. Inspector turns manual visual inspections into intelligent data allowing you to make informed data-driven decisions to improve your preventative maintenance, asset lifespan, safety, performance, and value, ultimately creating a positive ripple effect on all your operations going forward.