Emma Tatman

*Alert* Digital shift in property marketing detected...

Alert received! This blog is the next installment of our ‘digital property marketing’ series. In this month’s we will address the industry-wide digital shift and delve into the importance of implementing digital tools into your current property marketing strategy.

Today's home buyers

While traditional property marketing and advertising tactics such as brochures and signage are still important for on-site promotion – these are no longer the only mediums required to effectively capture the eye of potential buyers! In our increasingly digital world, it’s now more about enabling connection through; tech, hearts, minds, and emotions, and creating ideal content information and inspiration sharing environments.

A theme of change and progression...

It’s safe to say that modern ‘home hunter’ purchase habits have evolved – gone are the days of minimal but time-costly viewings and a small selection of potential dwellings. Each homebuyer now goes on a much more complex journey, with more needs to be met faster and deeper than ever before.

A buyer now NEEDS to be intrigued, captured, persuaded, and wowed… and that’s all before they register interest for a viewing!

From physical footfall to online footprints, the rapid digital progression of property marketing is clear. By providing digital solutions to digital problems, developers and estate agents can create a new world of readily available information… delivered to the preferred channels, devices, and personal environments of the end consumer.

In a remote world, buyers crave online modes of content. It allows the absorption and analysis of information on their terms and therefore enables potential customers to feel more comfortable with direct estate agent contact. It instills them with the confidence to be better equipped and prepared for the process.

To remain at the forefront of their minds, developers and estate agents need to ensure they have a wealth of knowledge readily available, and more importantly, around the clock. Essentially 24-7 access is crucial and required to make a lasting impression, and one that captures attention and engagement.

The 'digital shift'

89% of home shoppers use mobile search engines at the onset and throughout of their research and a further 52% turn to the web for the first step of their property hunt.

In a technology-driven society it’s not just about digital access to information, but engagement. At ArchViz we believe it’s about embracing the need for interaction and enabling home buyers to participate in active research. From a developer’s perspective; it’s about making a visual impact and the art of bringing properties to life.

Property marketing is a ‘show not tell’ process… going beyond images and putting interaction and immersion centre stage. Showcase your homes and enable potential buyers to truly experience their qualities!

We’re not saying your old-school advertising outputs should be discarded, but they should be underpinned and enhanced by dynamic multi-media – lean into the behaviours of your consumer and react to the trends of the marketplace. Don’t ignore the shift, embrace it!

Later in our ‘digital property marketing strategy’ series, we will discuss the effective digital tools in detail and demonstrate how they can be implemented. We have 9 services on offer within our digital tool kit – which work seamlessly together to help you effectively CAPTURE YOUR MARKET.

Next time...

Next time, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at the stages of the ‘NEW home buyers’ journey’. By understanding this process, you can implement sales and marketing practices to further encourage; enquiries and purchases, maintain or improve brand identity and drive recommendation rates. Stay tuned for more insights!