Bloc Newsroom

Bloc Digital Signs Mental Health at Work Commitment

We are proud to have signed the Mental Health at Work Commitment – reflecting our commitment to further building an environment where good mental health is promoted and encouraged, and all our employees thrive.

This framework sets out six clear standards based on what best practice has shown is needed to support mental health within the workplace. These focus on raising awareness of the signs, reducing stigma and discrimination, and providing resources to ensure our staff can confidently and effectively support their colleagues.

By signing onto the framework, we commit to embedding these standards into the way we operate – and ensuring we all know that help is available, whether currently experiencing mental health issues or simply interested in how to remain well.

Keith Cox, Co-Founder of Bloc Digital, said: “With issues like stress and depression seen across all organisations, regardless of their size or industry, we recognise the need to identify and address any work-related causes of poor mental health. We’re proud to sign the Mental Health at Work Commitment – strengthening our pledge to making a genuine, long-term positive impact on our team’s wellbeing.” 
In a recent survey of UK adults, only one in two (51%) employees said they feel comfortable talking about mental health in the workplace, whilst two in five (39%) report they have experienced a work-related mental health issue in the last year. That is why the Mental Health at Work Commitment is so important, adds Mandy Salmon, Office Manager and Mental Health First Aider at Bloc Digital;

“We all have times when we suffer more than others. While there is nothing shameful about it, we recognise how hard it can be to talk about mental health and seek support.

“To try and change this, we have recently conducted a survey with the staff to determine our key focus areas. We’re putting in place an enhanced Health and Wellbeing Strategy, this will introduce fundamental mental health training, incorporate all wellness initiatives into the onboarding process, and continue to promote open conversations that break down the stigma surrounding mental health.”

The Mental Health at Work Commitment has been developed with the knowledge and expertise of mental health charities, leading employers and trade organisations. Read more about it here