Bloc Newsroom

Celebrating One Year in Ohio!

Bloc Digital Inc. 1 Year On

It’s been one year since we opened our first international office in Mentor, Ohio. Making our mark as the new kid on the Bloc in the US.

What a journey it’s been! Northeast Ohio mirrors the manufacturing heritage of our East Midlands roots in the UK, making it the ideal base to ignite Bloc Digital Inc. for our US operations.

Over the past year, we’ve expanded our reach, grown our US team, and built strong relationships, embracing incredible new opportunities every step of the way.

Today, we celebrate a year of milestones, connections, and impact that have defined our Stateside success as we continue to impact clients on both sides of the Atlantic.

Bloc Digital Inc. 2024: Our Year in Numbers
From logging 38,138 miles at tradeshows to securing 24 new clients, our presence across the US has grown stronger with every handshake, meeting, and innovative project.

We’ve built 8 new partnerships and delivered 57 successful projects. Our work has featured on 2 US national broadcasts, and we’ve engaged with industry leaders at 26 major events, strengthening our connections and impact. We even found some time to assemble 4 Lego sets, creativity fuels everything we do!